
Disclaimer: This is more a diary than it is a blog.

I created this website for a few reasons.

1) I am a huge believer in the fact that #representationmatters. I was the child who asked why there were no black Disney princesses. I was the child who asked why there were only black and brown people in poverty commercials. I was the child who couldn’t figure out why out of all the books she read, none of them featured black characters, except for the stories about slavery.

2) Because of that child, I grew to love movies, TV, books, music, you name it. I also grew to love expressing my opinions about everything I was consuming, ESPECIALLY, when it came to the negative portrayals of groups of people. So, instead of ruining every movie night or book club with my friends and family, I’ve taken to the InterWebs to discuss my disdain and approval.

3) Finally, I love to write. This blog is my crazy way of expressing me.

Whereas this blog is by me, it’s also for me. But, I also enjoy healthy discussion 🙂

So, if you feel up to it, drop me a line.